Mespilocystites lemenni Gutiérrez-Marco et al. 1996 (blastoid)

Blastoidea - Coronata - Stephanocrinidae

Full reference: J. C. Gutiérrez-Marco, J. Chauvel, and B. Meléndez. 1996. Nuevos equinodermos (cistideos y blastozoos) del Ordovícico de la Cordi llera Ibérica (NE España). Revista Española de Paleontología 11(1):100-119

Belongs to Mespilocystites according to J. C. Gutiérrez-Marco et al. 1996

Sister taxon: Mespilocystites tregarvanicus

Type specimen: CP-I1 530. Its type locality is FBlIIB. Peña del Tormo, which is in a Berounian offshore slate/sandstone in the Fombuena Formation of Spain.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Dobrotivian of Spain (1 collection)

• Ordovician of Spain (2)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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