Otodus megalodon Agassiz 1835 (megalodon)

Chondrichthyes - Lamniformes - Otodontidae

Alternative combinations: Carcharias megalodon, Carcharocles megalodon, Carcharodon megalodon, Megaselachus megalodon, Procarcharodon megalodon

Synonyms: Carcharias rectidens Agassiz 1839, Carcharodon ferox Emmons 1858, Carcharodon rectidens Agassiz 1839, Carcharodon triangularis Emmons 1858

Full reference: L. Agassiz. 1835. Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles. Tome III (5me livraison)

Belongs to Otodus according to R. W. Boessenecker et al. 2019

See also Agassiz 1835, Agassiz 1839, Agassiz 1843, Aguilera and de Aguilera 2004, Antunes and Balbino 2003, Antunes et al. 2015, Applegate and Espinosa-Arrubarrena 1996, Arambourg 1927, Bendix-Almgreen 1983, Boessenecker 2016, Cahuzac et al. 2007, Casier 1958, Chapman 1918, Chapman and Cudmore 1924, Chapman and Pritchard 1904, Cope 1868, Davis 1888, Donovan and Gunter 2001, dos Reis 2005, Eastman 1904, Eastman 1908, Ehret et al. 2009, Ehret et al. 2012, Gibbes 1847, Gottfried et al. 1996, Hastings and Dooley 2017, Hay 1902, Hector 1894, Jordan and Gilbert 1919, Kent 2018, Leriche 1926, Leriche 1938, Leriche 1942, Maisch et al. 2020, Miller et al. 2021, Nieves-Rivera et al. 2003, Pimiento et al. 2010, Purdy et al. 2001, Reinecke and Radwanski 2015, Trif et al. 2016, Vicens and Rodríguez-Perea 2003, Woodward 1889 and Yabe and Hirayama 1998

Sister taxa: Otodus (Otodus), Otodus apiculatus, Otodus chubutensis, Otodus isoelicus, Otodus lanceolatus, Otodus levis, Otodus obliquus, Otodus recticonus, Otodus sokolovi, Otodus subplicatus, Otodus tricuspis, Otodus trigonatus

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Blancan of Mexico (1 collection)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of New Zealand (1)

• Pliocene of Angola (1), Antigua and Barbuda (1), Argentina (1), Australia (3), Ecuador (2), Italy (8), Japan (1), Libya (1), Mexico (1), New Zealand (3), Portugal (1), South Africa (2), Spain (3), the United Kingdom (4), United States (10: California, Florida, North Carolina), Venezuela (1)

• MN 13 of Portugal (1)

• Hemphillian of Mexico (1), United States (3: Florida)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Argentina (1), Australia (2), Chile (1), Cuba (1), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Panama (1), Portugal (1), United States (4: California, Florida), Venezuela (1)

• Neogene of Barbados (1), Fiji (1), French Polynesia (2), Madagascar (1), Nigeria (1), South Pacific (1), United States (2: California)

• Miocene of Algeria (1), Argentina (3), Australia (7), Austria (8), Belgium (2), Brunei Darussalam (2), Chile (2), Colombia (1), Costa Rica (1), Cuba (1), Cyprus (1), the Czech Republic (1), Denmark (1), Egypt (1), France (11), Germany (3), Greece (1), Grenada (1), India (3), Italy (1), Jamaica (1), Japan (25), Madagascar (1), Malta (5), Mexico (6), Myanmar (1), the Netherlands (2), New Zealand (4), Panama (21), Peru (13), Poland (2), Portugal (5), Puerto Rico (1), Romania (2), Slovakia (2), South Africa (2), Spain (5), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Turkey (1), United States (52: California, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia), Uruguay (1), Venezuela (7)

• Oligocene of Australia (1), Japan (1)

• Paleocene of United States (1: South Carolina)

Total: 288 collections including 289 occurrences

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