†unranked clade Rhynchosauria Osborn 1903 (rhynchosaur)

Reptilia - Rhynchosauria

Alternative spellings: Rhynchosauri, Rhynchosauri

Synonym: Gnathodontia Owen 1859

Full reference: H. F. Osborn. 1903. The reptilian subclasses Diapsida and Synapsida and the early history of the Diaptosauria. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 1(8):449-507

Parent taxon: Crocopoda according to M. D. Ezcurra 2016

See also Benton 1985, Benton 1990, Carroll 1988, Dilkes 1998, Gauthier et al. 1989, Jaekel 1910, Jaekel 1911, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Long and Murry 1995, Nesbitt and Whatley 2004, Osborn 1903, Osborn 1904 and Roxo 1937

Sister taxa: Allokotosauria, Ankistrodon, Ankistrodon indicus, Archosauriformes, Blomia, Blomia georgii, Boreopricea, Eorasaurus, Prolacertidae, Prolacertoides, Tasmaniosaurus, Tsylmosuchus, Tsylmosuchus donensis, Tsylmosuchus jakovlevi

Subtaxa: Eohyosaurus Howesia Hyperodapedontidae Mesosuchidia Mesosuchus Noteosuchus Rhynchosauridae Rhynchosauroidea

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