Bivalvia - Ostreida - Malleidae
Alternative combination: Exputens llajasensis
Synonyms: Exputens alexi Clark 1934, Nayadina (Exputens) alexi Clark 1934
Full reference: B. L. Clark. 1934. A New Genus and Two New Species of Lamellibranchiata from the Middle Eocene of California. Journal of Paleontology 8(3):270-272
Belongs to Nayadina (Exputens) according to R. L. Squires 1990
See also Clark 1934, Keen and Bentson 1944, Moore 1983 and Squires 1984
Sister taxa: Nayadina (Exputens) batequensis, Nayadina (Exputens) ocalensis
Type specimens:
- Nayadina (Exputens) llajasensis: UCMP 32391. Its type locality is UCMP 7004, Simi Valley, which is in a Lutetian transition zone/lower shoreface sandstone in the Llajas Formation of California.
- Exputens alexi: UCMP 32386. Its type locality is UCMP A1007, which is in an Eocene marginal marine sandstone/shale in the Domengine Formation of California.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Eocene of United States (11: California, Oregon collections)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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