Priscosturion longipinnis Grande and Hilton 2006 (ray-finned fish)

Osteichthyes - Acipenseriformes - Acipenseridae

Alternative combination: Psammorhynchus longipinnis

Full reference: L. Grande and E. J. Hilton. 2006. An exquisitely preserved skeleton representing a primitive sturgeon from the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation of Montana (Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae: n. gen. and sp.). The Paleontological Society Memoir 65, Journal of Paleontology 80(4, suppl.):1-39

Belongs to Priscosturion according to L. Grande and E. J. Hilton 2009

See also Grande and Hilton 2006

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MOR 1184, a skeleton (well-preserved nearly complete skeleton). Its type locality is MOR JR-168, Fanny Hill, which is in a Campanian fluvial-deltaic sandstone in the Judith River Formation of Montana.

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore

Distribution: found only at MOR JR-168, Fanny Hill

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