Brachymetopus (Conimetopus) alekseevi Mychko and Savchuk 2019 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Proetida - Brachymetopidae

Full reference: E. V. Mychko and O. V. Savchuk. 2019. A new brachymetopid trilobite from the Early Permian Shakhtau reef complex of the southwestern Urals, Bashkortostan, Russia. Zootaxa 4555(3):346-358

Belongs to Brachymetopus (Conimetopus) according to E. V. Mychko and O. V. Savchuk 2019

Sister taxa: Brachymetopus (Conimetopus) arcticus, Brachymetopus (Conimetopus) ouralica

Type specimen: Its type locality is Shaktau and Tratau Reef Mounds, Southern Urals, which is in an Asselian/Sakmarian reef, buildup or bioherm bindstone/framestone in the Shakhtau Reef Formation of the Russian Federation

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder

Distribution: found only at Shaktau and Tratau Reef Mounds, Southern Urals

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