Hoernesia qiaotouensis Lu 1981 (oyster)

Bivalvia - Ostreida - Bakevelliidae

Full reference: Y.-J. Lu. 1981. Late Triassic lamellibranchs from Datong of Qinghai, NW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 20(6):577-585

Belongs to Hoernesia according to Y.-J. Lu 1981

Sister taxa: Gervilleia (Hoernesia) leptopleura, Hoernesia (Strophopteria), Hoernesia attenuata, Hoernesia borealis, Hoernesia danisae, Hoernesia hesbanensis, Hoernesia rectisima, Hoernesia socialis, Hoernesia torta, Hoernesia willbourni, Hoernesia woyaniana, Hoernesia xiaomeidongensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Qiaotou, Datong, which is in a Norian marine horizon in the Xiaomeidong Formation of China

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Qiaotou, Datong

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