†Coccodentalium emersoni Squires 1988 (tusk shell)
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Scaphopoda - Dentaliida - Dentaliidae
Full reference: R. L. Squires. 1988. Eocene Macropaleontology of Northern Lockwood Valley, Ventura County, California. Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County) 398:1-23
Belongs to Coccodentalium according to R. L. Squires 1988
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: LACMIP 7690. Its type locality is CSUN Loc. 979 [Juncal Fm], which is in a Lutetian transition zone/lower shoreface siltstone/sandstone in the Juncal Formation of California.
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal deposit feeder
Distribution: found only at CSUN Loc. 979 [Juncal Fm]
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