†Corbisema inermis ballantina Barron et al. 1984
Chrysophyceae - Phytomastigophora - Dictyochaceae
Full reference: J. A. Barron, D. Bukry, and R. Z. Poore. 1984. Correlation of the middle Eocene Kellogg Shale of northern California. Micropaleontology 30(2):138-170
Belongs to Corbisema inermis according to J. A. Barron et al. 1984
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: USNM 347012, a test. Its type locality is Camino Diablo Road, which is in a Lutetian/Bartonian marine shale in the Kellogg Formation of California.
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic "photoautotroph"
Distribution: found only at Camino Diablo Road