Heptranchias ezoensis Applegate and Uyeno 1968 (sevengill shark)

Chondrichthyes - Hexanchiformes - Hexanchidae

Full reference: S. Applegate and T. Uyeno. 1968. The First Discovery of a Fossil Tooth belonging to the Shark Genus Heptracnchias, with a New Pristiophorus Spine, Both from the Oligocene of Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 11(2):195-201

Belongs to Heptranchias according to T. Uyeno 1972

See also Applegate and Uyeno 1968

Sister taxa: Heptranchias andersoni, Heptranchias cinereus, Heptranchias howellii, Heptranchias perlo

Type specimen: NSMT Pal 7421, a tooth. Its type locality is Kashima, which is in a Priabonian marine horizon in the Poronai Formation of Japan.

Ecology: nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Kashima

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