Mico emiliae Thomas 1920 (Emilia's marmoset)
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Alternative combinations: Callithrix emiliae, Hapale emiliae
Full reference: O. Thomas. 1920. On Mammals from the Lower Amazons in the Goeldi Museum, Para. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6:266-283
Belongs to Mico according to A.B. Rylands et al. 2000
See also Thomas 1920 and Wilson and Reeder 2005
Sister taxa: Mico acariensis, Mico argentatus, Mico chrysoleucus, Mico humeralifera, Mico humilis, Mico intermedius, Mico leucippe, Mico manicorensis, Mico marcai, Mico mauesi, Mico melanurus, Mico nigriceps, Mico rondoni, Mico saterei
Type specimen: B.M. No.
Ecology: arboreal insectivore-herbivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Mico emiliae in the database
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