Lophocebus johnstoni Lydekker 1900 (crested mangabey)

Mammalia - Primates - Cercopithecidae

Alternative combination: Semnocebus albigena johnstoni

Full reference: R. Lydekker. 1900. Note on two Mangabey-like monkeys (Cercocebus hagenbecki and Semnocebus albigena rothschildi), now living in the menagerie of the zoological society. Noviates zoologicae 3(4):593-593

Belongs to Lophocebus according to C. J. Burgin et al. 2018

See also Lydekker 1900

Sister taxa: Lophocebus albigena, Lophocebus aterrimus, Lophocebus opdenboschi, Lophocebus osmani, Lophocebus ugandae

Ecology: arboreal frugivore-folivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Lophocebus johnstoni in the database

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