Mus erythroleucus Temminck 1853 (house mouse)
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Full reference: C.J. Temminck. 1853. Esquisses zoologiques sur la cote de Guine. 1e partie, les mammifères
Belongs to Mus according to C.J. Temminck 1853
Sister taxa: Mus albigularis, Mus alexandrinus, Mus bateae, Mus bellus, Mus commissarius, Mus domesticus, Mus hipparionum, Mus kelleri, Mus magnirostris, Mus mindanensis, Mus minotaurus, Mus musculoides, Mus musculus, Mus pantarensis, Mus pasha, Mus sylvaticus, Mus tagulayensis, Mus todayensis, Mus vulcani, Mus zamboangae, Leggada tenella
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-insectivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Mus erythroleucus in the database
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