Gastropoda - Cerithioidea - Turritellidae
Full reference: R. Arnold. 1907. New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of southern California. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 32(1545):525-546
Belongs to Turritella inezana according to C. W. Merriam 1941
See also Arnold 1907 and Loel and Corey 1932
Sister taxa: Turritella inezana altacorona, Turritella inezana bicarina, Turritella inezana equistriata, Turritella inezana hoffmannii, Turritella inezana pertumida, Turritella inezana pervulgata, Turritella inezana santana
Type specimen: USNM 164970
Ecology: facultatively mobile semi-infaunal suspension feeder
• Miocene of United States (17: California collections)
Total: 17 collections each including a single occurrence