†Gymnogobius Gill 1863 (goby)
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Actinopteri - Gobiiformes - Gobiidae
Parent taxon: Gobiidae according to W. Schwarzhans et al. 2017
Sister taxa: Aboma, Acentrogobius, Caffrogobius, Chromogobius, Crystallogobius, Deltentosteus, Gobiidarum, Gobiodon, Gobiopterus, Gobius, Knipowitschia, Lepidogobius, Lesueurigobius, Lethops, Neogobius, Ortugobius, Pomatoschistus, Ponticola, Rhinogobiops, Thorogobius
Subtaxa: Gymnogobius oligocenicus
Ecology: nektonic omnivore
Distribution: found only at Shimohirano River (Oligocene of Japan)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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