Colus sekiuensis Kiel and Goedert 2007 (true whelk)

Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Buccinidae

Full reference: S. Kiel and J. L. Goedert. 2007. New mollusks associated with biogenic substrates in Cenozoic deep−water sediments of Washington State. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52(1):41-52

Belongs to Colus according to S. Kiel and J. L. Goedert 2007

Sister taxa: Colus (Aulacofusus), Colus altus, Colus arctatus, Colus gracilis, Colus hollboelli, Colus islandicus, Colus precursor, Colus pygmaeus, Colus rearensis, Colus stimpsoni, Tritonofusus (Plicifusus), Tritonofusus fortunasensis

Type specimen: UWBM 97933, a shell. Its type locality is Murdock Creek, which is in a Rupelian deep-water siltstone in the Pysht Formation of Washington.

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Oligocene of United States (5: Washington collections)

• Eocene to Oligocene of United States (2: Washington)

• Eocene of United States (1: Washington)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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