Derivatio nominis: From the Greek adjective megistos, meaning largest.
Full reference: I. Sylvestrou and D. S. Kostopoulos. 2007. Pseudomeriones megistos nov. sp. (Gerbillinae, Mammalia) from the Latest Miocene of Northern Greece and its phylogenetic relationships. Geobios 40:833-848
Belongs to Pseudomeriones according to I. Sylvestrou and D. S. Kostopoulos 2007
Sister taxa: Pseudomeriones abbreviatus, Pseudomeriones latidens, Pseudomeriones pythagorasi
Type specimen: LGPUT PML-2, a mandible (part of the right mandible with I-m2). Its type locality is Paliambela-B, which is in a Miocene terrestrial sandstone in the Markygialos Formation of Greece.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-insectivore
• Miocene of Greece (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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