Coledium cestriensis Snider 1915 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Stenoscismatidae

Alternative combination: Camarophoria cestriensis

Full reference: L.C. Snider. 1915. Geology of a Portion of Northeastern Oklahoma and Paleontology of the Chester Group in Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Geological Survey 24:1-122

Belongs to Coledium according to R. E. Grant 1965

See also Snider 1915

Sister taxa: Coledium altisulcatum, Coledium angarium, Coledium bowsheri, Coledium cheni, Coledium costacurtosus, Coledium costulatum, Coledium crassa, Coledium dutroi, Coledium elvinia, Coledium erugatum, Coledium evexum, Coledium explanatum, Coledium globulinum, Coledium indentatum, Coledium obesum, Coledium opimum, Coledium rhomboidale, Coledium rhomboidea, Coledium saquensis, Coledium satuni, Coledium selongensis, Coledium therum, Coledium torvum, Coledium undulatum, Coledium vadosulcatum

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Carboniferous of United States (3: Oklahoma collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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