†family Productinidae Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Productellidae

Alternative spelling: Productininae

Parent taxon: Productelloidea according to J. B. Waterhouse 2004

See also Shen et al. 2003 and Williams et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Chaoiellinae, Chonopectinae, Overtoniinae, Plicatiferinae, Productellinae, Productinae

Subtaxa: Chonetellinae Chonetellini Kepingia Liolimbella Paramarginiferini Productinini Spinoparyphella

View classification

Type: Productina

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Triassic of China (29 collections)

• Permian to Triassic of China (1)

• Permian of Afghanistan (1), Armenia (15), Azerbaijan (19), Cambodia (1), Canada (1: Nunavut), China (280), Greece (3), Indonesia (2), Iran (8), Malaysia (1), Mongolia (7), Nepal (2), Oman (20), Pakistan (86), the Russian Federation (15), Thailand (10), Turkey (2), Ukraine (3), United States (17: Texas)

• Carboniferous to Permian of United States (1: Texas)

• Carboniferous of Australia (22), Canada (1: Nunavut), China (3), Ireland (2), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Spain (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (12), United States (47: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho-Utah, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas)

Total: 615 collections including 747 occurrences

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