Crinoidea - Dendrocrinida - Dendrocrinidae
Full reference: D. F. Wright, S. R. Cole, and W. I. Ausich. 2019. Biodiversity, systematics, and new taxa of cladid crinoids from the Ordovician Brechin Lagerstätte. Journal of Paleontology
Belongs to Dendrocrinus according to D. F. Wright et al. 2019
Sister taxa: Dendrocrinus acutidactylus, Dendrocrinus latibrachiatus, Dendrocrinus leptos, Dendrocrinus longidactylus, Dendrocrinus minutus, Dendrocrinus tener
Type specimen: UMMP 74769, a calyx. Its type locality is Tomlinson Quarry, Upper Bobcaygeon Fm., which is in a Katian open shallow subtidal wackestone/siltstone in the Bobcaygeon Formation of Canada.
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Canada (2: Ontario collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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