†Frigocanthus Sorbini and Tyler 2004 (ray-finned fish)
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Actinopteri - Tetraodontiformes - Monacanthidae
Full reference: C. Sorbini and J. C. Tyler. 2004. Review of the fossil file fishes of the family Monacanthidae (Tetraodontiformes), Pliocene and Pleistocene of Europe, with a new genus, Frigocanthus, and two new species related to the recent Aluterus. Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Verona 28:41-76
Parent taxon: Monacanthidae according to C. Sorbini and J. C. Tyler 2004
See also Argyriou 2022
Sister taxa: Aluterus, Amanses
Subtaxa: Frigocanthus margaritatus Frigocanthus stroppanobili
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at near Frangokastello (Pliocene of Greece)
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