Mammalia - Macroscelidea - Amphilemuridae
Synonyms: Aculeodens Weitzel 1949, Dormaalius Quinet 1964
Parent taxon: Amphilemuridae according to J. J. Hooker and D. E. Russell 2012
See also Alroy 2002, Carroll 1988, Dunn and Rasmussen 2009, Gunnell et al. 2008, Novacek et al. 1985, Rose et al. 2012, Smith et al. 2002, Smith and Smith 1995 and Van Valen 1967
Sister taxa: Alsaticopithecus, Amphilemur, Amphilemurinae, Gesneropithex, Hylomysoidinae, Neomatronella, Pholidocercus, Zionodon, Ankylodon
Subtaxa: Macrocranion germonpreae Macrocranion junnei Macrocranion nitens Macrocranion robinsoni Macrocranion tenerum Macrocranion tupaiodon Macrocranion vandebroeki
Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore
• Eocene of Belgium (3 collections), France (5), the United Kingdom (2), United States (40: Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming)
• Paleocene to Eocene of France (1)
Total: 51 collections including 52 occurrences
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