Malacostraca - Decapoda - Porcellanidae
Full reference: C. Beschin, A. Busulini, G. Tessier and R. Zorzin. 2016. I crostacei associati a coralli nell’Eocene inferiore dell’area di Bolca (Verona e Vicenza, Italia nordorientale). Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. serie, Sezione Scienze della Terra 9:1-189
Belongs to Petrolisthes according to A. De Angeli and L. Ceccon 2017
See also Beschin et al. 2016 and Beschin et al. 2018
Sister taxa: Petrolisthes avitus, Petrolisthes bittneri, Petrolisthes elongatus, Petrolisthes haydni, Petrolisthes lauensis, Petrolisthes magnus, Petrolisthes miocaenicus, Petrolisthes myakkensis, Petrolisthes striatissimus, Petrolisthes tuberculatus, Petrolisthes vicetinus, Petrolisthes violacea
Type specimen: VR 93914. Its type locality is Rama di Bolca, which is in a Ypresian reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in Italy.
Ecology: epifaunal suspension feeder
• Eocene of Italy (6 collections)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
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