†Eoachras Berry 1915
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Dicotyledoneae - Ericales - Sapotaceae
Parent taxon: Sapotaceae according to F. H. Knowlton 1919
See also Andrews 1970
Sister taxa: Bassia, Bumelia, Chrysophylloxylon, Chrysophyllum, Illipophyllum, Isonanadrophyllum, Kaikoraia, Madhucoxylon, Mimusops, Neolemonniera, Palaquiophyllum, Palaquium, Pilimparicutis, Pouterlabatia, Sapotaceoidaepollenites, Sapotacites, Sapoteites, Sapoticarpum, Sapotispermum, Sapotophyllum, Sapotoxylon, Sarcosperma, Siderinium, Siderophyllum, Sideroxylon
Subtaxa: Eoachras eocenica
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Eoachras in the database
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