Macaca Lacépède 1799 (macaque)

Mammalia - Primates - Cercopithecidae

Alternative spelling: Macacus

Synonym: Eopithecus

Parent taxon: Papionini according to J. Xing et al. 2005

See also Gray 1825, Hooijer 1962, Jablonski 2002, Kurten 1968, McKenna and Bell 1997, Pilgrim 1915, Schlosser 1877, Wilson and Reeder 2005 and Zhang et al. 1980

Sister taxa: Macacina, Papionina, Pliopapio, Procercocebus, Soromandrillus

Subtaxa: Macaca anderssoni Macaca arctoides Macaca assamensis Macaca cyclopis Macaca fascicularis Macaca florentina Macaca fuscata Macaca hecki Macaca jiangchuanensis Macaca leonina Macaca leucogenys Macaca libyca Macaca maura Macaca mordax Macaca mulatta Macaca munzala Macaca nemestrina Macaca nigra Macaca nigrescens Macaca ochreata Macaca pagensis Macaca phaeura Macaca prisca Macaca radiata Macaca siberu Macaca silenus Macaca sinica Macaca sylvanus Macaca thibetana Macaca tonkeana Macacus (Pithex) Macacus cynomolgus Macacus eocaenus Macacus priscus Macacus robustus Macacus sivalensus

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Ecology: arboreal frugivore-folivore


• Quaternary of China (18 collections), Croatia (1), France (4), Germany (4), Greece (2), Hungary (1), Indonesia (5), Israel (1), Italy (5), Japan (1), Laos (1), Malaysia (3), the Philippines (3), Romania (2), Spain (6), Taiwan (2), Thailand (4), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (2), Vietnam (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (2), Italy (4)

• Pliocene of France (1), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Moldova (1), Morocco (1), Spain (1), Ukraine (3)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Ethiopia (2)

• Miocene of Algeria (2), China (1), Italy (1)

Total: 89 collections including 99 occurrences

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