Mammalia - Primates - Cercopithecidae
Papio Mller 1773 was suppressed by the ICZN in 1982 (opinion 1199) in favor of Papio Erxleben 1977, and the type species was set as Cynocephalus papio Desmarest 1820.
Alternative spelling: Simia (Papio)
Synonym: Cynocephalus Cuvier and Geoffroy 1795
Parent taxon: Papionina according to N.G. Jablonski and S. Frost 2010
See also Gray 1825, Jablonski 2002, McKenna and Bell 1997, Melville 1970, Thomas 1893, Wilson and Reeder 2005 and Xing et al. 2005
Sister taxa: Cercocebus, Dinopithecus, Gorgopithecus, Lophocebus, Parapapio, Theropithecus
Subtaxa: Papio (Inuus) Papio anubis Papio cynocephalus Papio hamadryas Papio izodi Papio kindae Papio papio Papio porcarius Papio quadratirostris Papio robinsoni Papio thoth Papio ursinus
Ecology: arboreal frugivore-folivore
• Quaternary of the Congo-Kinshasa (2 collections), Cote D'Ivoire (1), Ethiopia (5), India (1), Kenya (9), South Africa (34), Spain (1), Sudan (1), Swaziland (2), Tanzania (4), Zambia (2)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Ethiopia (1), Kenya (1), South Africa (5)
• Pliocene of Ethiopia (1), Kenya (1), Malawi (1), Tajikistan (2), Tanzania (3)
Total: 77 collections including 78 occurrences
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