Lessinicarcinus euglyphos Bittner 1875 (crab)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Pilumnidae

Alternative combination: Titanocarcinus euglyphos

Full reference: A. Bittner. 1875. Die brachyuyren des Vincentinschen Tertiärgebirges. Denkschriften der Kaiserlicehn Academie der Wissenschaften, Mathewmatisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Wien 1875:63-106

Belongs to Lessinicarcinus according to C. E. Schweitzer et al. 2022

See also Beschin et al. 1994, Beschin et al. 2010, Beschin et al. 2012, Bittner 1875, De Angeli 2012, Feldmann et al. 1998 and Schweitzer et al. 2010

Sister taxa: none

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Eocene of Italy (5 collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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