Subfamily Embidopsocinae Karny 1930 (booklouse)

Insecta - Psocodea - Liposcelididae

Alternative spelling: Embidopsocini

Full reference: H. H. Karny. 1930. Zur Systematik der orthopteroiden Insekten. Zweiter Teil. Truebia 12:431-461

Parent taxon: Liposcelididae according to M. S. Engel and B. Wang 2022

See also Engel 2016 and Lienhard and Smithers 2002

Sister taxa: Cretoscelis, Liposcelidinae

Subtaxa: Belaphopsocus Belaphotroctes Embidopsocus

View classification

Type: Embidopsocus



• Miocene of China (1 collection), the Dominican Republic (1), Mexico (2)

• Eocene of France (1), Germany (1), the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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