Nileus erici Tortello and Esteban 2016 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Asaphida - Nileidae

Full reference: M. F. Tortello and S. B. Esteban. 2016. Early Ordovician trilobites from the Iruya area (Cordillera Oriental, northwestern Argentina) and their stratigraphic significance. Journal of Paleontology 90(5):923-958

Belongs to Nileus according to M. F. Tortello and S. B. Esteban 2016

Sister taxa: Nileus affinis, Nileus amplus, Nileus armadillo, Nileus australis, Nileus cingolanii, Nileus depressus, Nileus deynouxi, Nileus exarmatus, Nileus gabata, Nileus glazialis, Nileus hesperaffinis, Nileus lacunosa, Nileus macrops, Nileus orbiculatoides, Nileus orbiculatus, Nileus petilus, Nileus planiceps, Nileus porosus, Nileus scrutator, Nileus walcotti, Remopleuridioides preandinus

Type specimen: MLP 35033a, a cephalon/head (cranidium)

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore


• Ordovician of Argentina (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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