Wetherellia Bowerbank 1840 (spurge)

Angiospermae - Malpighiales - Euphorbiaceae

Full reference: J. S. Bowerbank. 1840. A History of the Fossil Fruits & Seeds of the London Clay. 1-144

Parent taxon: Euphorbiaceae according to B. H. Tiffney 1999

See also Andrews 1970, Chandler 1961, Chandler 1962 and Mazer and Tiffney 1982

Sister taxa: Acalypha, Acalyphoideae, Agrostistachyophyllum, Alchornea, Alchorneaephyllum, Alchorneites, Aleuriteophyllum, Aleurites, Aleuritoxylon, Amperea, Antidesma, Baccaurea, Baliospermophyllum, Baliospermum, Baloghiaephyllum, Beyeria, Bischofinium, Bischofioxylon, Breynia, Bridelia, Bridelioxylon, Cephalomappa, Cleistanthus, Codiaephyllum, Croton, Crotonoideae, Crotonophyllum, Drypetes, Enriquebeltrania, Euphorbia, Euphorbiocarpon, Euphorbiofolium, Euphorbioides, Euphorbiophloios, Euphorbiophyllum, Euphorbiospermum, Euphorbiotheca, Euphorbioxylon, Euphorbocarpum, Excoecaria, Glochidion, Heveoxylon, Hippomaneoidea, Homonoia, Limalbocarpon, Macaranga, Macarangaephyllum, Mallotophyllum, Mallotoxylon, Mallotus, Neoshirakia, Omalanthus, Palaeowetherellia, Phyllanthinium, Phyllanthoideae, Phyllanthus, Piranheoxylon, Pseudolachnostyloxylon, Putranjivoxylon, Romanoa, Sapium, Securinegoxylon, Stillingia, Tithymalus, Trewia, Tricolporopollenites, Xylophyllites

Subtaxa: Wetherellia dixoni Wetherellia marylandica Wetherellia variabilis

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Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Eocene of the United Kingdom (7 collections), United States (5: Maryland, Virginia)

Total: 12 collections including 15 occurrences

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