†Proneofiber Hibbard and Dalquest 1973 (rodent)
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Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae
Full reference: C. W. Hibbard and W. W. Dalquest. 1973. Proneofiber, a new genus of vole (Cricetidae: Rodentia) from the Pleistocene Seymour Formation of Texas, and its evolutionary and stratigraphic significance. Journal of Quaternary Research 3(2):269-274
Parent taxon: Microtinae according to B. Kurten and E. Anderson 1980
See also Hibbard and Dalquest 1973 and McKenna and Bell 1997
Sister taxa: Atopomys, Fiber, Nebraskomys, Pliophenacomys, Predicrostonyx, Sycium
Subtaxa: Proneofiber guildayi
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
Distribution: found only at Burnett Quarry (Quaternary of Texas)
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