†subfamily Tsaganomyinae Matthew and Granger 1923 (mole rat)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Bathyergidae

Full reference: W. D. Matthew and W. Granger. 1923. New Bathyergidae from the Oligocene of Mongolia. American Museum Novitates 101:1-5

Parent taxon: Bathyergidae according to W. D. Matthew and W. Granger 1923

See also Carroll 1988

Sister taxa: Bathyergoides, Bathyergus, Cryptomys, Cyclomylus, Geofossor, Georychus, Gypsorhynchus, Heliophobius, Heterocephalus, Paracryptomys, Proheliophobius

Subtaxa: Coelodontomys Tsaganomys

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Ecology: fossorial herbivore


• Miocene of Mongolia (1 collection)

• Oligocene of China (16), Kazakhstan (2), Mongolia (42)

Total: 61 collections including 79 occurrences

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