†superclass Vicissicaudata Ortega-Hernandez et al. 2013

Artiopoda - Vicissicaudata

Full reference: J. Ortega-Hernandez, D. A. Legg, and S. K. Braddy. 2013. The phylogeny of aglaspidid arthropods and the internal relationships within Artiopoda. Cladistics 29:15-45

Parent taxon: Artiopoda according to R. Lerosey-Aubril et al. 2017

See also Ortega-Hernandez et al. 2013

Sister taxa: Agnostida, Conciliterga, Falcatamacaris, Kwanyinaspis, Molaria, Phytophilaspis, Retifacies, Squamacula, Trilobita, Trilobitomorpha

Subtaxa: Aglaspidida Carimersa Cheloniellida Emeraldella Eozetetes Kodymirus Sidneyia Xenopoda

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