Scleromys Ameghino 1887 (caviomorph)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Dinomyidae

Parent taxon: Dinomyidae according to R. W. Fields 1957

See also Ameghino 1891, Kramarz 2006 and McKenna and Bell 1997

Sister taxa: Briaromys, Carlesia, Colpostemma, Diaphoromys, Dinomys, Discolomys, Doellomys, Drytomomys, Eumegamyinae, Eumegamys, Eumegamysops, Eusigmomys, Ferigolomys, Gyriabrus, Josephoartigasia, Olenopsis, Paranamys, Pentastylodon, Pentastylomys, Potamarchinae, Protomegamys, Pseudosigmomys, Rusconia, Simplimus, Telicomys, Telodontomys, Tetrastylomys

Subtaxa: Scleromys angustus Scleromys colombianus Scleromys osbornianus Scleromys quadrangulatus Scleromys schurmanni

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Type: Scleromys angustus

Ecology: ground dwelling frugivore-folivore


• Miocene of Argentina (20 collections), Brazil (2), Chile (1), Colombia (20), Peru (6)

Total: 49 collections including 65 occurrences

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