Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Diacodexeidae
Full reference: W. J. Sinclair. 1914. A revision of the bunodont artiodactyla of the Middle and Lower Eocene of North America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 33(21):267-295
Parent taxon: Diacodexeidae according to J. M. Theodor et al. 2007
See also Carroll 1988, Gazin 1955, McKenna and Bell 1997, Sinclair 1914 and Stucky and Krishtalka 1990
Sister taxa: Bunophorinae, Diacodexis, Gujaratia, Jiangsudon, Magwetherium, Neodiacodexis, Simpsonodus, Tapochoerus
Subtaxa: Bunophorus etsagicus Bunophorus grangeri Bunophorus macropternus Bunophorus pattersoni Bunophorus robustus Bunophorus sinclairi
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Eocene of France (3 collections), United States (152: Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming)
Total: 155 collections including 163 occurrences
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