†Bunolistriodon Arambourg 1933 (pig)
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Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Suidae
Synonym: Eurolistriodon Pickford and Moya Sola 1995
Parent taxon: Listriodontinae according to M. C. McKenna and S. K. Bell 1997
See also Carroll 1988, Qiu et al. 1981 and Sach and Heizmann 2001
Sister taxa: Listriodon, Lopholistriodon
Subtaxa: Bunolistriodon minheensis Eurolistriodon tenarezensis
Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore
• Miocene of China (1 collection), France (9), Germany (5), Greece (1), Kenya (2), Pakistan (2), Portugal (12), Romania (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (5)
Total: 39 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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