Yezoteuthis giganteus Tanabe et al. 2006 (squid)

Cephalopoda - Teuthida

Full reference: K. Tanabe, Y. Hikida, and Y. Iba. 2006. Two coleoid jaws from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Paleontology 80:138-145

Belongs to Yezoteuthis according to K. Tanabe et al. 2006

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: NMA-335, an other (upper jaw). Its type locality is Wakkawenbetsu Creek, Nakagawa Town, which is in a Campanian marine mudstone in the Osousyunai Formation of Japan.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Wakkawenbetsu Creek, Nakagawa Town

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