Gymnolaemata - Cheilostomata - Onychocellidae
Alternative combination: Rhagasostoma inelegans minuens
Belongs to Rhagasostoma according to A. V. Koromyslova et al. 2018
Sister taxa: Rhagasostoma angliae, Rhagasostoma aralense, Rhagasostoma brydonei, Rhagasostoma gibbosulum, Rhagasostoma gibbosum, Rhagasostoma inelegans, Rhagasostoma infelix, Rhagasostoma mimosa, Rhagasostoma operculatum, Rhagasostoma rowei, Rhagasostoma saltans, Rhagasostoma tchvanovi
Type specimen: SM B36883. Its type locality is Between Brighton and Roedean, which is in a Santonian carbonate chalk in the United Kingdom.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of France (1 collection), Germany (1), the United Kingdom (5)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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