Soederberghia simpsoni Ahlberg et al. 2001 (lungfish)

Osteichthyes - Dipteriformes - Rhynchodipteridae

Full reference: P. E. Ahlberg, Z. Johanson, and E. B. Daeschler. 2001. The late Devonian lungfish Soederberghia (Sarcopterygii, Dipnoi) from Australia and North America, and its biogeographical implications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(1):1-12

Belongs to Soederberghia according to P. E. Ahlberg et al. 2001

Sister taxon: Soederberghia groenlandica

Type specimen: AMF102820, a skull (left portion of skull preserving skull roof and cheek region ). Its type locality is Canowindra, which is in a Famennian terrestrial horizon in the Mandagery Sandstone Formation of Australia.


Distribution: found only at Canowindra

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