Gazella Blaineville 1816 (gazelle)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Bovidae

Alternative spelling: Cerophorus (Gazella)

Parent taxon: Antilopini according to Z. T. Calamari 2021

See also Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, Böhme et al. 2017, Carroll 1988, Gentry 2010, Geraads 2017, Grubb 2001, Hassanin and Douzery 1999, Hassanin and Douzery 2003, Kostopoulos 2016, Krausman and Casey 2007 and Theodorou et al. 2003

Sister taxa: Ammodorcas, Antidorcas, Antilope, Dorcatragus, Eudorcas, Litocranius, Madoqua, Nanger, Ourebia, Procapra, Raphicerus, Saiga

Subtaxa: Gazella altidens Gazella atlantica Gazella bennettii Gazella bondi Gazella cuvieri Gazella dorcadoides Gazella dorcas Gazella dracula Gazella emilii Gazella gaudryi Gazella gazella Gazella jenenschi Gazella kohllarseni Gazella leptoceros Gazella lydekkeri Gazella marica Gazella mytilinii Gazella palaeosinensis Gazella paotehensis Gazella pilgrimi Gazella pomeli Gazella praegaudryi Gazella praethomsoni Gazella psolea Gazella rufina Gazella saudilla Gazella setifensis Gazella sinensis Gazella spekei Gazella subgutturosa Gazella thomasi Gazella tingitana

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Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser


• Quaternary of Algeria (4 collections), China (6), Egypt (34), Ethiopia (12), France (5), Georgia (1), Greece (5), India (4), Israel (9), Italy (1), Kenya (46), Mongolia (1), Morocco (8), Niger (1), Pakistan (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (10), Spain (3), Sudan (2), Syria (1), Tanzania (11), Tunisia (1), Turkey (3), the United Kingdom (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of China (1), Ethiopia (3), Greece (2), Italy (1), Kenya (3), South Africa (4), Spain (1), Tajikistan (1), Uganda (1)

• Pliocene of Azerbaijan (1), Chad (1), China (8), Ethiopia (5), France (2), Georgia (1), Greece (10), India (1), Italy (1), Kazakhstan (3), Kenya (6), Malawi (1), Moldova (1), Morocco (1), Romania (2), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (4), Spain (7), Tajikistan (3), Tanzania (15), Turkey (1), Ukraine (2)

• MN 13 of Moldova (2)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Ethiopia (2), Kenya (3), Kyrgyzstan (1), Pakistan (1), South Africa (4), Ukraine (1)

• Miocene to Pleistocene of Ethiopia (1), South Africa (1)

• Miocene of Algeria (2), Bulgaria (6), China (18), France (2), Georgia (2), Greece (38), Iraq (1), Italy (3), Kazakhstan (1), Kenya (8), Kyrgyzstan (1), Lebanon (1), Moldova (6), Pakistan (5), the Russian Federation (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Tajikistan (1), Tunisia (4), Turkey (8), Ukraine (7)

Total: 400 collections including 475 occurrences

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