Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Pachydiscidae
Alternative combination: Eupachydiscus arbucklensis
Synonyms: Eupachydiscus willgreeni Anderson 1958, Nowakites dobbinsi Anderson 1958, Nowakites rumseyensis Anderson 1958, Puzosia (Holcodiscoides) gorrilli Anderson 1958, Puzosia (Parapuzosia) arenaica Anderson 1958
Full reference: F. M. Anderson. 1958. Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast. Geological Society of America Memoir 71:1-378
Belongs to Patagiosites according to T. Matsumoto 1959
See also Anderson 1958
Sister taxa: Patagiosites alaskensis, Patagiosites amarus, Patagiosites laevis, Patagiosites patagiosus, Patagiosites stobaei
Type specimens:
- Patagiosites arbucklensis: CAS 25730.01, a shell. Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
- Eupachydiscus willgreeni: CAS 25730.04, a shell. Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
- Nowakites dobbinsi: Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
- Nowakites rumseyensis: CAS 25730.03, a shell. Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
- Puzosia (Holcodiscoides) gorrilli: CAS 61722.02, a shell. Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
- Puzosia (Parapuzosia) arenaica: CAS 25730.06, a shell. Its type locality is CAS Loc. 25730 - Sand Creek [Forbes Shale], which is in a Coniacian marine shale in the Forbes Formation of California.
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 149.7
• Cretaceous of United States (4: California collections)
Total: 4 collections including 10 occurrences
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