Dromaius arleyekweke Yates and Worthy 2019 (emu)

Aves - Casuariiformes - Casuariidae

Full reference: A. M. Yates and T. H. Worthy. 2019. A diminutive species of emu (Casuariidae: Dromaiinae) from the late Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39(4):e1665057

Belongs to Dromaius according to Yates and Worthy 2019

Sister taxa: Dromaius minor, Dromaius novaehollandiae, Dromaius ocypus

Type specimen: NTM P6387, a limb element (nearly complete right tarsometatarsus). Its type locality is Alcoota Scientific Reserve, which is in a Miocene crevasse splay siltstone in the Waite Formation of Australia.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at Alcoota Scientific Reserve

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