†Neodomatoceras delicatum Shchedukhin and Leonova 2020 (mollusk)
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Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Grypoceratidae
Full reference: A. Y. Shchedukhin and T. B. Leonova. 2020. Late Artinskian nautiloids of the Shakh-Tau Reef (Bashkortostan). Paleontological Journal 54:1135-1151
Belongs to Neodomatoceras according to A. Y. Shchedukhin and T. B. Leonova 2020
Sister taxon: Neodomatoceras rarum
Type specimen: PIN 5668/39, a shell. Its type locality is Shakh-Tau Shikhan (Upper Artinskian), which is in an Artinskian reef, buildup or bioherm reef rocks in the Russian Federation.
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 46.5
Distribution: found only at Shakh-Tau Shikhan (Upper Artinskian)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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