Simonsius harujensis Mattingly et al. 2021 (monkey)

Mammalia - Primates - Parapithecidae

Full reference: S. G. Mattingly, K. C. Beard, P. M. C. Coster, M. J. Salem, Y. Chaimanee and J.-J. Jaeger. 2021. A new parapithecine (Primates: Anthropoidea) from the early Oligocene of Libya supports parallel evolution of large body size among parapithecids. Journal of Human Evolution 153:102957:1-11

Belongs to Simonsius according to S. G. Mattingly et al. 2021

Sister taxon: Simonsius grangeri

Type specimen: Z7I-173, a tooth (left P4). Its type locality is Zallah 7 Incision, which is in an Oligocene fluvial-deltaic sandstone in Libya.

Ecology: arboreal omnivore

Distribution: found only at Zallah 7 Incision

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