Mammalia - Cingulata - Glyptodontidae
Alternative spelling: Panochtus
Parent taxon: Glyptodontidae according to L. Brambilla et al. 2020
See also Ameghino 1889, Brown 1912, Carroll 1988, Fernicola 2008, Fernicola et al. 2018, Lydekker 1894, McKenna and Bell 1997, Soibelzon et al. 2010, Zamorano et al. 2011 and Zurita et al. 2004
Sister taxa: Doedicurinae, Ecinepeltus, Glyptatelinae, Glyptodontinae, Hoplophorinae, Kelenkura, Paraeucinepeltus, Parapropalaehoplophorus, Plohophorinae, Sclerocalyptinae
Subtaxa: Panochthus bullifer Panochthus florensis Panochthus frenzelianus Panochthus greslebini Panochthus hipsilis Panochthus intermedius Panochthus jaguaribensis Panochthus nodotianus Panochthus rusconii Panochthus subintermedius Panochthus tuberculatus Panochthus voghii Panochtus frenzelianus
Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (33 collections), Bolivia (9), Brazil (15), Paraguay (2), Peru (2), Uruguay (7)
• Pliocene of Argentina (3)
Total: 71 collections including 74 occurrences
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