†Rectilinetopus ourikensis Biron and Dutuit 1981 (archosaur)
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Full reference: P. E. Biron and J.-M. Dutuit. 1981. Figurations sédimentaires et traces d'activité au sol dans le Trias de la formation d'Argana et de l'Ourika (Maroc) [Sedimentary patterns and soil activity traces in the Triassic of the Argana and Ourika formations (Morocco)]. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 4e série, section C 3(4):399-427
Belongs to Rectilinetopus according to P. E. Biron and J.-M. Dutuit 1981
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is Ourika Valley tracksites (general), which is in a Carnian terrestrial sandstone in the Oukaïmeden Sandstone Formation of Morocco
Ecology: carnivore
Distribution: found only at Ourika Valley tracksites (general)
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