Actinopteri - Aulopiformes - Ichthyotringidae
Alternative combination: Rhinellus furcatus
Full reference: L. Agassiz. 1843. Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles. Tome II, IIe Partie (17me livraison) 73-336
Belongs to Ichthyotringa according to K. Dietze 2009
See also Agassiz 1843, Agassiz 1843, Davis 1887, Goody 1969, Kriwet and Gloy 1995, Pictet 1850, Pictet and Humbert 1866, von der Marck 1873 and Woodward 1901
Sister taxa: Ichthyotringa africana, Ichthyotringa delicata, Ichthyotringa pindica, Ichthyotringa tenuirostris, Rhinellus robustus, Rhinellus nasalis, Rhinellus damoni, Rhinellus ferox, Rhinellus curtirostris
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Germany (2 collections), Lebanon (3)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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