Palaeoplethodon hispaniolae Poinar and Wake 2015 (lungless salamander)

Amphibia - Caudata - Urodela

Full reference: G. Poinar and D. B. Wake. 2015. Palaeoplethodon hispaniolae gen. n., sp. n. (Amphibia: Caudata), a fossil salamander from the Caribbean. Palaeodiversity 8:21-29

Belongs to Palaeoplethodon according to G. Poinar and D. B. Wake 2015

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: OSU AM-3-15, a skeleton. Its type locality is Palaeoplethodon type locality, which is in an Eocene/Miocene terrestrial amber in the Dominican Republic.

Ecology: amphibious carnivore

Distribution: found only at Palaeoplethodon type locality

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