Bivalvia - Cardiida - Tellinidae
Alternative combinations: Tellina (Peronidia) bodegensis, Tellina bodegensis
Belongs to Megangulus according to A. Hendy 2021
See also Addicott and Emerson 1959, Ashley 1895, Clark and Arnold 1923, Coan et al. 2000, Moore 2003 and Woodring and Bramlette 1950
Sister taxa: Megangulus maxima, Megangulus protovenulosa, Megangulus pulchrus, Tellina (Megangulus) crooki, Tellina (Megangulus) kewi, Tellina (Megangulus) lutea
Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal deposit feeder
• Quaternary of Mexico (3 collections), United States (20: California)
• Pliocene of United States (4: California)
• Oligocene of Canada (2: British Columbia)
Total: 29 collections each including a single occurrence
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