Artiopoda - Agnostida - Metagnostidae
Alternative combination: Geragnostus (Micragnostus) calviformis
Full reference: H. J. Harrington and A. F. Leanza. 1957. Ordovician trilobites of Argentina. Department of Geology, University of Kansas Special Publication 1:1-276
Belongs to Geragnostus according to M. F. Tortello and S. B. Esteban 2019
Sister taxa: Geragnostus (Geragnostella), Geragnostus (Geragnostus), Geragnostus (Microagnostus), Geragnostus (Novoagnostus), Geragnostus boutouryensis, Geragnostus crassus, Geragnostus fabius, Geragnostus occitanus
Ecology: slow-moving epifaunal detritivore
• Ordovician of Argentina (1 collection)
• Tremadoc of Argentina (3)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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